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🍓Jen fuck me🔞 • 1 year ago


Hehe Well!

LesK • 1 year ago

timecode 21:19 lololol! "This Public Service Announcement from 'Detective Conan' brought to you by the following sponsors! BeingGinza, McDonald's, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency!"

snort, anime... preventing myriads of crimes through public education! ;>

also, those types of scams work best on the 'elderly' since they don't always know exactly how these things like bank transfers, high tech wizardry, the internet etc. operate.

there's another similar type of scam going around since the 2010's in a similar vein. ransomware is the umbrella name for different cybercrime viruses that kidnap your computer and hold it for ransom. the computer never leaves your home or business, but one type of virus freezes it, while another encrypts your files so you can't access them. this stuff basically gives you a text window on your PC's screen saying, 'call this number or your computer goes up in smoke'... you call the number and the criminal demands money or they won't give you the code to free your PC.

the really REALLY sneaky ransomware looks like REAL official Windows/Apple info windows stating your PC has a problem etc. and call this number for technical support. well, unlike the 'evil guy' in the first example this second criminal on the phone is all nice and polite and professional. they just ask for a credit card number for identity verification or a 'remote technical support fee'. you give em your card digits and they run them through one of the 'cheap money apps' that don't have crap for fraud protection setups. the criminals charge/withdraw as much cash as your bank/card issuer allows in 'immediate cash withdrawal/transfer' funds. then they give you the instructions on how to 'fix' your computer.

remittance transfers, ransomware etc. all depend on the 'oh shit!' immediate stress reactions folks have. if ransomware hits your PC? don't turn it off! write down or photograph the screen with your cellphone to get the information displayed on the screen. then disconnect your PC from ALL network access, wired, wireless, BlueTooth, Alexa, Google... everything. then IMMEDIATELY call your local law enforcement agency and ask them for help!

if somebody calls you requesting help with cash or a transfer or you've won something or demanding money from you for a debt/emergency utilities bill or your service will be cut off etc. politely listen and WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU! if you've got caller ID write their number down too. then tell them, if it is a debt issue to mail you the information to your address in their files since you do not do business like that over the phone. ask THEM to tell you your address in their files. do NOT tell them YOUR address or correct them in any way if they read your address to you wrong. ask them for specific details about the business name, address, account number in question/debt, and the full name of the person you're speaking with including the spelling of that name. if you think you can't milk them for any more info hang up on them and your next call should... once more be to your local law enforcement agency!

IExistMe Official • 1 year ago

09:30 kiddie meal where???

LesK • 1 year ago

ladies and gentlemen welcome to Season 17 2008-09

here's my seasonal rundown yet again!

this Season is eps 491-523 (31! episodes!)

Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story PART NONE! as far as i can tell there are NO MPDLS episodes in this season :< damnit! my fave part of Conan entirely missing?

14 'Clash of Red and Black' arc episodes starting RIGHT NOW till episode 504! this is considered one of Conan's longest contiguous story arcs where all the episodes happen bam. bam. bam. one right after the other. they're standard length though so no specials there.

{7} two parters.

6 one parters.

4 one hour-long specials. the first one is a Kaitou Kid episode. the very next episode is a 1h part one to a two parter. part two of that one is standard length though. the final two 1h specials are back-to-back {they are ALSO a 2parter} and were broadcast as the 29th and 30th episodes in this season. the 31st episode and finale was standard length.

from my readings, there are ZERO Christmas or New Years specials... this season went on an extended hiatus from December 16th till January 18th. with episodes only airing the day before and the day after those two dates i mentioned.

as of this episode 491 we are now... EXACTLY 263 episodes away from the first of Crunchyroll's OFFICAL SUBS!

good luck everybody! and good luck me! :D episode 754 here i come! :D

{edit. 1&2&3&4&5 damn i keep screwing this up and having to fix it! why can they not just label these part 1 and part 2 etc. like they did in the previous 16 seasons! i keep finding episodes where the crime isn't solved in the first episode but they're not labeled part 1,2,3 etc. :/ there are actually 7 two parters not 5 as i originally counted or 6 as i counted a second time or SEVEN as i counted the third time or SIX i counted the fourth time!. episodes 493 and 494 are technically a two parter because the crime wasn't solved in 493. 501 & 502 AND 503 are a THREE parter! then i found 509 & 510 are a two parter! also, 521 & 522 are a 2 parter pair of one hour specials! i screwed that up a FIFTH time. :/ doh! :/ }

strange guy • 1 year ago

Also the change in animation quality in episode 500

bari • 2 years ago

The Clash of the Red and Black - the longest detective conan arc :-)

strange guy • 1 year ago


Dio Joestar • 7 months ago

Black Organization episode 491-504, here we gooo

Sekai • 2 years ago

Aya, that friend of Ran and Sonoko?

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

Very nice that Ran doesn't reveal that we stayed at Mizunashi Rena's house the night before she actually went on her "leave" - good girl.

LesK • 1 year ago

PI and family who blab about previous cases often become underemployed, unemployed, and SUED into poverty by present/former clients. especially former clients like a TV personality/weather girl/international criminal organization member, or a pop idol turned TV personality, or rich people, or any of Kogoro's other clients who approached him JUST because he's a Z-list celebrity.

lovestay • 2 years ago

this is where one of the best detective conan arc , but first of all rip zard , the singer of this arc op and unmei no roulette mawashite ( op 4 ) , it literlly one of my fav op and dc singer 😥😥

strange guy • 1 year ago

The opening is okay

Daichi Lynne • 2 years ago

Curiosity sometimes kills a person...